Category: Life and Everything Else Life, hobbies, and everything other then tech stuff and work.
Street orientations in Vermont
Further north and farther east — an exploration of Nova Scotia
The Middlebury Town Plan
Today I found unexpectedly good reading in Middlebury’s new 2012 Town Plan. The document is really well done and its quality highlights the vigorous engagement between the town, its citizenry, and businesses that makes this a fabulous place to live. While all 226 pages are worthwhile, I found Section 2.13 …
Vermont to Michigan on a motorcycle
Black Bean Crostini
Mission-Style Bookshelf
Bittersweet Falls
A hundred yards from the aptly-named Bittersweet Falls Road, the Beaver Brook cascades over a formation of marble and dolomite to create a beautiful 18 foot cascade. Above Bittersweet Falls, the Beaver Brook cuts a deep ravine through layers of black slate. The gorge can be difficult to traverse without…
Sofa Table Complete
Project 365
Life, hobbies, and everything other then tech stuff and work.
Street orientations in Vermont
Further north and farther east — an exploration of Nova Scotia
The Middlebury Town Plan
Today I found unexpectedly good reading in Middlebury’s new 2012 Town Plan. The document is really well done and its quality highlights the vigorous engagement between the town, its citizenry, and businesses that makes this a fabulous place to live. While all 226 pages are worthwhile, I found Section 2.13 …
Vermont to Michigan on a motorcycle
Black Bean Crostini
Mission-Style Bookshelf
Bittersweet Falls
A hundred yards from the aptly-named Bittersweet Falls Road, the Beaver Brook cascades over a formation of marble and dolomite to create a beautiful 18 foot cascade. Above Bittersweet Falls, the Beaver Brook cuts a deep ravine through layers of black slate. The gorge can be difficult to traverse without…