Importing users into Bugzilla

For the past 6 months our Web Application Development work-group has been Bugzilla as our issue tracker with quite a bit of success. While it has its warts, Bugzilla seems like a pretty decent issue-tracking system and is flexible enough to fit into a variety of different work-flows. One very important feature of Bugzilla is support for LDAP authentication. This enables any Middlebury College user to log in and report a bug using their standard campus credentials.

While LDAP authentication works great, there is one problem: If a person has never logged into our Bugzilla, we can’t add them to the CC list of an issue. This is important for us because issues usually don’t get submitted directly to the bug tracker, but rather come in via calls, emails, tweets, and face-to-face meetings. We are then left to submit issues to Bugzilla ourselves to keep track of our to-do items. Ideally we’d add the original reporter to the bug’s CC list so that they will automatically be notified as we make progress on the issue, but their Bugzilla account must exist before we can add them to the bug.

Searching about the internet I wasn’t able to find anything about how to import LDAP users (or any kind of users) into Bugzilla, though I was able to find some basic instructions on how to create a single user via Bugzilla’s Perl API. To improve on the lack of user-import support I’ve created an Perl script that creates users from lines in a tab-delimited text file ( as well as a companion PHP script that will export an appropriately-formatted list of users from an Active Directory (LDAP) server (export_users.php). — Unzip in your Bugzilla directory, run via the command line. See below for examples.

File Listings:

This script can safely be run repeatedly. Only new users not already in Bugzilla will be added, users matching existing email addresses will be skipped.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# This is a basic script to import users into Bugzilla.
# Users can be imported from tab-delimited text files or
# tab-delimited lines piped to STDIN. Lines should have 3
# columns: login	email	name
# Author:
#	Adam Franco (
# Date:
#	2010-03-08
# URL:
# License:
#   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
#   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
#   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
#   the License at
#   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
#   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
#   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
#   rights and limitations under the License.

use FindBin qw($Bin);
    push @INC,$Bin;
    push @INC,$Bin."/lib";
    push @INC,$Bin."/lib/x86_64-linux-thread-multi";
use Bugzilla;
use Bugzilla::User;
use Error qw(:try);

sub usage {
    print "
    $0 ListOfUsers1.txt [ListOfUsers2.txt [...]]
    $0 < ListOfUsers.txt

The ListOfUsers can be passed as either a file argument or passed to STDIN.

The ListOfUsers must be tab-delimited with the following columns:
login   email   name

    exit 1;

foreach (@ARGV) {
    if ($_ =~ /^-h|--help$/) {

my $lines = 0;
my $users = 0;
my $usersAdded = 0;
while (<>) {
    chomp; # Remove the trailing new-line.
    my($login, $email, $name) = split(/\t/, $_);

    if ($login && $email && $name && $login =~ /[a-z0-9]+/ &&  $email =~ /[a-z0-9]+.*@.*[a-z0-9]+/ && $name =~ /[a-z]+/) {
        if (is_available_username($email)) {
            try {
                my $user = Bugzilla::User->create({
                    login_name    => $email,
                    realname      => $name,
                    cryptpassword => '*',
                    disable_mail  => 0,
                    extern_id     => $login
                print "Account for " . $user->login . " was created.\n";
            } catch Error with {
                my $ex = shift;
                my $error = "Error: $ex";
                $error =~ s/\n|\r/ /g;
                print $error."\n";

    close (ARGV) if (eof);

if (!$lines) {
    print "No input lines given.\n\n";

print "\n$lines lines evaluated, $users user records checked, $usersAdded users added.\n";

exit 0;


#!/usr/bin/env php
# This is a basic script to export users from an
# MS Active Directory via LDAP in the format required
# by
# Authors:
#	Adam Franco (
#	Ian McBride (
# Date:
#	2010-03-08
# URL:
# License:
#   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
#   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
#   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
#   the License at
#   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
#   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
#   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
#   rights and limitations under the License.

$ldaphost = "";
$ldapport = 389;
$ldapuser = "username";
$ldappass = "password";
$baseDN = "DC=example,DC=com";

$connection = ldap_connect($ldaphost, $ldapport);

if (!$connection) die();

if (ldap_set_option($connection, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION,3) === FALSE) die();

if (ldap_set_option($connection, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS,0) === FALSE) die();

$bind = ldap_bind($connection, $ldapuser, $ldappass);

if (!$bind) die();

$filter = "(&(objectClass=User)(!(objectClass=Computer)))";

$search = ldap_search($connection, $baseDN, $filter, array("samaccountname", "mail", "givenname", "sn"));

$entries = ldap_get_entries($connection, $search);

print "samaccountname\temail\tname\n";

foreach($entries as $entry) {
  if(isset($entry['samaccountname'])) {
    print iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $entry['samaccountname'][0]);
  print "\t";

  if(isset($entry['mail'])) {
    print iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $entry['mail'][0]);
  print "\t";

  $name = '';
  if(isset($entry['givenname'])) {
    $name .= iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $entry['givenname'][0]);
  }  $name .= ' ';
  if(isset($entry['sn'])) {
    $name .= iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $entry['sn'][0]);
  print trim($name);

  print "\n";

Example Usage

After unzipping the scripts in your Bugzilla directory you can use the script right away. To use export_users.php you will need to edit it and add your LDAP server configuration.
[root@hostname /var/www/htdocs/bugzilla/]# ./export_users.php | ./

If you’d rather import users from another source, simply create one or more tab-delimited text files that have the following columns:
login    email    name
[root@hostname /var/www/htdocs/bugzilla/]# ./ users.txt otherusers.txt

You can pipe tab-delimited data to the script as well:
[root@hostname /var/www/htdocs/bugzilla/]# head -n 20 users.txt | ./


  • Changed the license statement to the MPL be compatible with the rest of Bugzilla
  • Changed the password to ‘*’ based on Max’s suggestion


  1. Glad Bugzilla is working out for you guys! 🙂 Those scripts look really useful, too!

    Did you check out the “syncLDAP” script in the contrib/ directory, that comes with Bugzilla? I’m not sure how up-to-date it is.


  2. Oh, and by the way, you probably should create the users with the password ‘*’ — that’s the secret Bugzilla code for “this user has no password”.

  3. Thanks for the help, Max. I’ve updated the password to ‘*’ and changed the license to the MPL to be in line with the rest of Bugzilla. The syncLDAP script looks like it would do what I was trying to accomplish. Unfortunately I never ran into any references to it on the web when searching for “Bugzilla import ldap users” and didn’t know it existed.

  4. hi adam

    thank you for the script ,but i was not able to download it .i am trying LDAP with bugzilla for the past 3 weeks .no luck so far . appreciate your help . thank you for your time .

  5. hi adam i tried to copy your code and run .but while running it it is showing

    defined is deprecated at Bugzilla/Install/ line 254

    maybe you should just omit the defined?>

    any advice would appreciate . really your help is needed .thanku

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